23 November 2023

Kemampuan Beradaptasi Jadi Faktor Penting Nasabah Bank Mayapada Berasuransi, Zurich Menjawab Hal Ini dengan Produk Terbarunya

Jakarta, November 2023 – PT Zurich Topas Life (Zurich) strengthens its partnership with Bank Mayapada Internasional Tbk (Bank Mayapada) to promote the latest insurance product, Zurich Plan Protector. The product is designed to meet the protection needs of banking customers, in line with the findings of a joint survey on customer behavior conducted by Zurich and Bank Mayapada. Zurich Plan Protector delivers versatile solutions for financial planning and life protection within a single insurance policy, which makes it a suitable choice for both professionals and families. In addition, it offers a premium potential return of up to 200% of the total premium paid.

By conducting a survey of customers’ preferences when selecting insurance products through the bancassurance channel, it was discovered that flexibility is a priority for most customers, which influences their decision to purchase Zurich Plan Protector. This product was recently launched and is now being offered through all Bank Mayapada branches across Indonesia.

President Director of Zurich Topas Life, Richard Ferryanto, said, “Our primary focus in every innovation is the satisfaction of our consumers. We are committed to providing the most suitable products and services for the Indonesian customers. This commitment drives us to present Zurich Plan Protector to answer their needs with convenience and flexibility. This insurance policy integrates life protection and financial planning into a single product, offering a variety of benefits that can be tailored to the customer’s financial goals.” 

Richard emphasized that Zurich Plan Protector is proof of how insurance can align with the dynamic financial requirements of families. As customers increasingly prioritize financial planning and life protection, the selection of insurance products is no longer solely about protection; it also serves as an instrument to assist them in family financial planning.

The majority of Zurich bancassurance product buyers from Bank Mayapada fall within the 45-54 age range, making up 48.3% of respondents. However, the next most significant group are individuals aged 35-44, with 37.9% of respondents. This demographic composition underscores the significance of insurance awareness not only for affluent families, but also for professionals or those who actively plan financially for their future.

Vice President Director of PT Bank Mayapada Internasional Tbk, Thomas Arifin explained, “When our customers buy bancassurance products, there are various factors that encourage consumers to utilize this channel. Our research found that another key factor which leads to the purchase of insurance products is the personalized advice given by our banking staff. Our recommendation, which is tailored to their needs and lifestyle profiles, plays a pivotal role in helping them to select the insurance product that best suits their needs. This approach is in line with Bank Mayapada’s commitment to provide the best banking services to our valued customers.”

The insurance products that are the main preference for Bank Mayapada customers are life and health protection, each of which was selected by 37.9% of survey respondents. To complement and diversify the protection sought by customers, Zurich also provides supplementary benefits through Zurich Plan Protector that can be tailored to customer needs. Policyholders may choose appropriate additional benefits to optimize coverage for their life and financial protection.

More information can be accessed through zurich.co.id 


Tentang Zurich

Zurich Insurance Group (Zurich) adalah perusahaan asuransi multi-lini terkemuka yang melayani Nasabah dan bisnis di lebih dari 200 negara dan wilayah, sejak 150 tahun lalu. Sejalan dengan tujuannya untuk ‘mewujudkan masa depan yang lebih baik, bersama', Zurich bercita-cita untuk menjadi salah satu bisnis yang paling bertanggung jawab dan berdampak di dunia.

Zurich di Indonesia melayani nasabah pada segmen asuransi umum serta asuransi jiwa melalui PT Zurich Asuransi Indonesiaa Tbk (ZAI), PT Zurich General Takaful Indonesia (Zurich Syariah), dan PT Zurich Topas Life (Zurich Life). ZAI menyediakan produk dan layanan asuransi umum konvensional. Zurich Syariah memberikan layanan asuransi umum berbasis syariah. Zurich Life menawarkan produk perlindungan dan perencanaan keuangan yang komprehensif melalui jaringan distributor (agen dan mitra bank).

Tentang PT Bank Mayapada Internasional Tbk

PT Bank Mayapada Internasional Tbk (Bank Mayapada) didirikan tahun 1989, saat ini mempunyai 199 jaringan kantor yang tersebar diseluruh Indonesia. Sebagai salah satu bank dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di Indonesia, Bank Mayapada telah menjadi Bank BUKU III di tahun 2017 dan per Desember 2022 memiliki total aset sebesar Rp 135,5 T sehingga merupakan Bank yang termasuk dalam 20 Bank terbesar dari sisi aset.  Bank berkomitmen kuat untuk terus melangkah kedepan bersama seluruh Pemangku Kepentingan untuk menjadi salah satu bank terbesar dalam memberikan pelayanan perbankan terbaik di Indonesia. Bank Mayapada berizin dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), serta merupakan peserta Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS).